50 claps from me!
Irony, like shame, is lost on Republicons. They thrive on division as they decry division. They thrive on racism as they decry racism. They thrive on ‘wokism’ even as they decry it. I am so tired of CONservative phony outrage. M&M’s, Mister Potatohead, gas stoves, whatever.
These regressive troglodyte snowflakes made dirty words out of liberal ans progressive, now woke. I suggest we embrace all three. Let us proudly own ‘woke’ and show how the cons are against the free and open exchange of ideas. Cons have nothing to show but fear and hate of ‘the other.’ Rev. Al Sharpton said it best yesterday; “Woke is their new n-word.” No longer a dog-whistle, but a bullhorn.
People are beginning to ‘woke-up’ to the racist, fascist, misogynist, homophobic, transphobic, anti-immigrant Republicons. Students in Florida are walking out in protest that their right to think, to read, to become the adults who they are and want to be is systematically being chipped away. One Republicon restrictive law at a time.
DeSantis reserves the right to ‘approve’ what books the people can read in public schools and libraries. Now he wants the medical records of all trans students in Florida’s public universities. Not to be outdone, Youngkin wants law enforcement to be able to seek a woman’s menstrual history. Not to worry, they tell us. It’s all for benign purposes, for your protection. The law is the law, don’t you know?
Fourth Amendment, independent clause: “The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated.”
The final irony, they constantly bray about the Constitution, but they don’t even know what it says, and they certainly don’t care what it means.