A sensible solution to America's gun problem is hiding in plain sight within the Constitution.
It is permissible under the Constitution, Article 1 Section 8 Clause 15 & 16, and by Act of Congress, for the States to regulate their own State "Militia" by licensing gun owners, registering arms, require training and insurance at the State - not the federal - level, “according to the discipline prescribed by Congress.” As with motor vehicles, qualifications and restrictions would be strictly codified; licenses and arms would only be revoked upon due process. Congress has all the power it needs to make this happen.
As an homage to the Second Amendment, a license might even be called an RBA, “Right to Bear Arms.”
The Framers were wise; they gave us, We the People, the tools to implement their original intent. We need to use those tools for the safety of innocent people, as well as for the security of responsible gun owners.