Ah. Leave it to you to hit the nail squarely on the head, FR. Spinoza’s view of God is more transcendent than most people can ever imagine. I have read many, many interpretations of Spinoza’s God. Was Spinoza an atheist, theist, monotheist, polytheist, deist, pan-deist, panpsychist, pantheist, panentheist, cosmist, acosmist, all of these, none of these, or something else entirely different?
Spinoza is in the eye of the beholder, apparently, and I’m sure if he were alive today he’d be just fine with that. One thing is certain, no one can know the mind of God, but another thing that’s certain: No one can know the mind of Spinoza either.
For my money, Spinoza’s mind, intoxicated as it was with God, had grasped the only truly sobering reality of God.