America does not always live up to its core beliefs, but it tries, albeit sometimes with disastrous results. You are right that we believe our perspective is correct, because it is. American foreign policy has been based for decades on one core principle: Human Rights.
To my knowledge, we do not overtly try to overthrow governments that share this belief. We have not fought with Canada or Western European countries lately. Our misguided forays into South America and Indo China have of course been fueled by greed for resources and fear of Communism but further ‘justified’ by abuses of human rights.
America is not a country of saints, even within our own borders we claw for freedom from internal oppression by our own government. Human nature leads us to believe it will forever be so. But still we aspire, perhaps naively, to champion the inalienable rights of all people to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. If that is America’s main fault, I daresay most Americans would be okay with that.
Give Peace a Chance.