American Christianity has lost its way.
Christianity warns against worshiping false gods, yet Americans worship guns, promising politicians and false profits [pun intended].
Christianity teaches us to love our neighbor, love our enemy, take care of the sick and the poor, but Americans revel in the hatred of others and bray ‘Socialism!’ at the slightest public program for helping others.
Jesus taught us to ‘Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s and to God the things that are God’s,” yet we guard our possessions selfishly. WE are entitled to them, not Caesar, not God.
Jesus told us, “My kingdom is not of this earth.” He separated Church and State, Christians insist that He was wrong, that Church supersedes State, the Ten Commandments over the Bill of Rights. The Church is secular not sectarian.
American Christians have lost their way because they are blind to their own faith. And they are blind to our Constitution.
I was raised Roman Catholic. I long ago abandoned the faith that abandoned Jesus.
Today I call myself, not a Christian, but a Jesusian.