And exactly why, pray tell, are you so enamored of Trump?
Was it The Wall he promised that Mexico would pay for, 100%?
Was it the health care he promised that would be so much better and cheaper?
Was it the gun violence that he promised he’d stop?
Was it the race relations that he promised would be so much better?
Was it the white supremacy he condemned with faint praise?
Was it the trade deals he promised with China that would be so GREAT?
Was it the tariff’s he promised China would pay for, 100%?
Was it the nuclear arms program of Kim Jong-un he promised to end?
Was it the great nuclear arms deal with Iran he promised?
Was it the great climate deal he’d negotiate when he ended the Paris Accord?
Was it the better relations with Russia he promised?
Was it the Covid that he constantly chased “round the bend”?
Was it his golf games that he promised he’d never play if he became president?
Was it the tax-cut he promised that the super-rich would pay more?
Was it the tax-cut he promised that would spike 4% economic growth, or maybe 5% or even 6%?
Was it the federal deficit he promised to eliminate?
Was it the swamp he promised to drain by filling it with Wall Streeters and billionaire CEO’s?
Was it the prescription drug prices he promised to lower?
Was it the peace in the middle-east he promised to bring?
Was it the opioid crisis he promised to end?
Was it his tax returns he promised to release – some day?
Or was it the vast election fraud of 2020 he promised he’d expose?
I know… it was his promise to lock up Hillary for all her purported crimes. Yeah, that’s it!
I’d continue but I am sooooo exhausted from all the WINNING.