You left off your list of tyrants the greatest demagogue of all: Donald Trump.
There you have it, folks. Longhwa Lee just did what he/she accused the left of doing, just as the right does every day. Trump himself was most infamous for "projection." Remember "Crooked Hillary," who was investigated relentlessly but never once charged with a single crime. Compare that to Trump who is the most corrupt president in US history, nay, one of the most corrupt individuals in history. Genius businessman? Ha! Please show us your taxes as you promised. Genius conman; I'll give him that.
Remember Trump's countless, thousands of lies. Remember his lies about Covid-19. Remember his lies about Obama's birth certificate. Remember his lies about Ted Cruz. Remember how he cheated on his first wife, cheated on his second wife, and cheated on his third wife. Evangelicals, I ask you, when has this man ever been seen in a church? Remember how proudly he claimed he could grab beautiful women by their private parts and get away with it. Remember how he claimed he could "shoot somebody in the middle of 5th Avenue and not lose any voters." All because people like Longhwa Lee swallow his lies. Drink his Kool-Aid. People like Longwa Lee are his enablers, the base of sycophants that he thrives on like a vampire.
Longhwa Lee is a perfect example or a right-wing liar. Don't believe that Trump supporters invaded the Capitol. Believe it was Antifa. Don't believe Proud Boys beat police officers with Blue Lives Matter flags. Believe the socialists did it. Don't believe they were looking to "Hang Mike Pence." Believe they were there to have a nice face-to-face meeting with him. Don't believe you saw the "QAnon Shaman" making a mocker of democracy. Believe that he was there to proclaim democracy for all. And don't believe that the Capitol Hill insurrectionists were there to stop and steal an election. Believe they were there to protect an election for Trump, who won "by a lot." Don't think, believe Dear Leader, Trump. Believe that everyone lies...except Trump. Honest Trump. Trustworthy Trump. A paragon of morality and virtue. Believe. Believe. Believe.
People like Longhwa Lee, are braindead. They are zombies living in an Orwellian universe of alternative facts, an apocalyptic dystopia of false equivalencies. I don't feel sorry for them, they use their free will to try to steal freedom from others. People like Longhwa Lee deserve the opprobrium they have earned. And, that you can believe.