But if the Levite, who was apparently hot, were a gay closet case, he would have met the men for a night out of gay orgy, and saved the life of the concubine and the honor of the virgin daughter. This of course would have put God of the Judges in a predicament. Does God condemn the gay man who gave himself up willingly for a night of homosexual gang abuse, thus saving countless innocent lives? Or does God condone homosexuality and forgive the gay man for his selfless sacrifice as an example of brotherly love?
Being the Old Testament, God had no choice but the condemn the homosexual man, consequences be damned. In the New Testament, Jesus would love the sinner and hate the sin. But this being the age of Cristian Nationalism, the Christian God would hate the sinner, hate the sin, hate the women, hate the Jews and condemn everyone to holy hell and eternal damnation.
Which is why I am not a Christian. And yes, Jesus loves me!