I occasionally watched Swaggart's Sunday evening 1980's show for a laugh. The MO was always the same: Fire and brimstone; salvation through donations.
But my 'favorite' part was the last few minutes when Swaggart would swagger to and fro across the stage speaking in tongues! "Sim sala bim! Maga shuga shaglala! Boogly boogly boo!" The audience was in thrall that the Holy Ghost itself was in the auditorium, possessing this mendacious messenger of God! Oh, and of course, joyfully draining their bank accounts in service to their Lord, this anti-Christ. They were willing dupes for the master of duplicity.
I'd bet dollars to doughnuts that these same cult disciples are todays MAGA's. Trump speaks in tongues too. No one knows what the f*ck he's talking about, but just buy his merch.