I read your piece. My mini-critique of your father was incorrect because it was incomplete. I realize that desperate people in fear of evil demagogues turn in their desperation to their own demagogues. Fight fire with fire! Fight Xi with Trump! Unfortunately, a demagogue is a demagogue, disillusionment ensues.
We know that Trump has failed, we know that his bluster was bullshit.
Neither can one fight a demagogue with diplomacy. We need a Churchill, not a Chamberlain. Now, as we rid ourselves of Trump, we turn 180 degrees to Biden. We know he has no charisma; we do not care. We “hope” he surprises us, we “hope” he surprises the world. I put hope in quotes because that’s where hope belongs. It’s a meaningless, worn out word. And yet, that’s all we’ve got left. As for Biden, all he’s got left is a few years to change the world, change history, restore America, a few years left in his life. All he’s got left is nothing left to lose.
All we’ve got left is hope.