I think you’re placing a little TOO much emphasis on money, Shankar. Sure, it’s spending on ads but it’s also the quality of the ads. The sharpest ads against Republicans continue to be from ex-Repubs, the Lincoln Project, not from Dems. The best Dem ad I’ve seen is the ‘Wizard of Oz’ ad. It is devastating. Showing Oz and a quack snake-oil salesman, using footage of Oz himself. Like the crudites ad. Hilarious.
Dems must bifurcate their ads: Show how Dem policies benefit the middle-class, and show how bad their Repub opponent is. Carrot and stick.
Republicans run on fear. Since when did America become a nation afraid? Dems must be bold. Fearless.
Also, Dems must run against the Do-Nothing, Know-Nothing Republican Party. They have no plans, no policies, no ideas except more tax-cuts for wealthy individuals and mega-corporations. ‘Trickle-down’ is dried-up. They have no ambition except raw power, no ideas except taking away your freedom. Freedom to think. Freedom to speak. Freedom to read. Freedom to choose. Freedom to control your own sex organs.
Republicans are dead-enders. Brain-dead-enders. Repubs are living in the past. Dems are for the future. Dems are for your kid’s future. Republicans have made it clear they will stop all progress on everything.
Democrats have shown what they can do just by themselves. With more, Dems will do more.