If tRump is re-elected, all his crony crooks will be pardoned. The insurrectionist J6 traitors will be pardoned. They will hunt down tRump's accusers and opponents and they will carry out their death threats, and they will all be pardoned again. Biden, Harris, Sotomayor, Kagan and Jackson, and many others will all be arrested and charged with treason. Putin will be given Ukraine, Xi will be given Taiwan, Netanyahu will be given the West Bank and Gaza, Kim Jong-un will be given South Korea. tRump will claim all his criminal acts are 'official acts' and he will be pardoned.
After two-years tRump will retire in Mar-a-Lago splendor and Vance will fill out his term and be eligible for two-full terms, if not President for Life.
The American experiment will have failed.