It seems to me that cosmic consciousness evolves constantly even as our physical universe evolves from the BB or from the multi-verse or from whatever existed before and will exist after our observable universe. As this non-corporeal ‘consciousness’ affects all corporeal matter, it may be related to or actually be gravity – that other non-corporeal force which affects all corporeal matter. Neither can be adequately explained by current physics or even meta-physic perhaps because the unified Theory Of Everything has been looking in the wrong place or looking at the problem without seeing the self-evident solution, which is staring back at us every time we look in a mirror.
As far as new thinking is concerned, Spinoza, Einstein's "God," was clearly headed in this direction when his life was cut short. Deus sive Natura, the raison d'être of his philosophy, being the uncompromising view that all is ultimately one substance, moving inexorably of its own necessity; thought manifest as extension.