Like him? After his powerhouse acceptance speech tonight, I LOVE HIM. He is exactly the kind of person we need as president. He is the antithesis of Trump. He is real. He is kind. He is [dare I say it for the 10,000th time its been said] empathetic; whereas, Trump is pathetic.
Biden is a decent man; Trump is an indecent man.
Biden is a moral man; Trump is an amoral man.
Biden is a statesman: Trump is the laughingstock of the world.
You go to war with the army you have. That "army of one" has been chosen by millions of Democrats who preferred Biden over Bernie. I am one of them. If you cannot accept that fact, then maybe you shouldn't be playing this game. If your solution to defeat is to quit, to pick up your toys and go home, or to embrace even more defeat and embrace Trump by default, out of spite, no matter how many millions of people he will hurt, he will kill, then you are most assuredly every bit as vile and as evil as Trump himself.
You say that Bernie's base does not owe Biden anything. I ask you: What does Bernie's base owe to the future of humanity, to the future of our planet? I for one have had enough whining in the last 3 1/2 years to last a life time. So, take your own advice: pick up the phones, organize, and put in the effort to defeat Trump. Join the army we have even if its not the army you wanted - its the only army we've got. Otherwise, there will be no future for you or for your progeny - should you choose to have any - because that choice will be made for you by Trump, through your own fault, by your own default.
You will have to live with the consequences of your own decision. I've made mine; my conscience is clear.