Michael, thank you for your willingness to carry on this conversation but if your position is that the Commission needs Republican representation, I can hardly take you seriously. The fact that the 1/6 Commission was not supported by Republicans is unpatriotic to say the least. Where is the type of Republican who supported the Watergate hearings and the 9/11 hearings? Where is that bipartisanship? The 1/6 Insurrection deserved an investigation of those proportions. It got NO support from McConnell, McCarthy and certainly not from Trump.
Not represented, you say? Republicans have so far constituted every single witness, whether subpoenaed of voluntary. EVERY SINGLE ONE, except Wandrea “Shaye” Moss and her mother, “Lady” Ruby Freeman, the poll workers who were specifically targeted by Trump with lies resulting in death threats to them and the grandmother! All are witnesses who were there and saw and witnessed the crimes first hand. That is bravery! That is patriotism! Cheney and Kinzinger are patriots. Everyone who speaks the truth to Trump receives death threats as their reward.
I will not engage you in your penchant for whataboutism and false equivalencies. There are no two-sides on this issue. There is no defense for an insurrection.
Insurrection NOUN
a violent uprising against an authority or government.
For the first time in the nearly 2 ½ century old American republic, there was not a peaceful transition of power. And that was due to one man: Trump. There was no fraud, no stolen election. Only Trump’s lies.