Not buyin’ what you’re sellin.’ Or, trying to sell. I’m not conned by the former Con-man In-Chief. Trump, think on his feet? His feet are in his mouth,
and his head is up his ass.
Biden a puppet? Strictly for the Q, "WWG1WGA!” crowd. Biden is a man of decency, empathy, and above all, courage. All the raging right wing “patriots” are cowards, through and through. Biden stands up to them all. He stands up to Putin. He stands up to Xi.
Biden beat over 12 Democrats in the 2020 run for president.
Biden beat Trump by over 8 million votes.
Biden delivered Covid vaccines.
Biden delivered Infrastructure.
Biden delivered bipartisan legislation in a virtually 50/50 Congress.
Biden delivered us from Afghanistan.
Biden got gun control for the first time in 20 years.
Biden got climate legislation for the first time – ever!
Biden said he could and would deliver on all these things. And he did exactly that.
I could go on, but I certainly hope Biden does. And he’s just getting started.
His he perfect? Please. No one is. But I’d rather have Biden leading the US than anyone else at this moment in our history. And history will reward him greatly for his leadership.