Seriously? “Direct democracy” is what the January 6 insurrectionists claimed. How’d that turn out? No thank you!
What we need is direct representation with minority rights protected – not minority rule. We need three viable major parties: One representing liberals, one representing conservatives, and one representing moderates to maintain a balance between the other two. Unfortunately, that will never happen unless and until the Electoral College is eliminated or revised. The EC as now constituted ensures our current duopoly in perpetuity.
Unfortunately, the EC is here to stay without an agreed upon constitutional amendment, which, unfortunately again, will never happen.
The only light I see on the horizon is the increasing popularity of Ranked Choice Voting. RCV allows the possibility of a choice other than Democrat or Republican. If RCV does spread across the land it will inevitably someday run headlong into the EC. The 12th Amendment dictates that the House of Representatives chooses the President if there is no majority winner in the EC.
Read the 12th Amendment if you want to read a non-fiction horror. Should that horror ever happen, only then will America wake up to the reality that it was a long time coming – and that it will have been too late to fix.
In the meantime, out democratic republic rests upon the precarious proposition that our representatives are honorable men and women who will respect their pledge of allegiance to the Constitution. Unfortunately yet again, those “honorable men and women” are in short supply, the even that meager supply is rapidly dwindling.