Seriously, check yourself out dude. You think conservative Republicans are “self-aware”? Are they self-aware that they turn themselves into pretzels to defend Trump? Check out the quotes about Trump by Republicans before and after he became president. Check out the quotes on January 7 and now. Check out Fox “news” and right-wing media. Check out the Republican Party now: lies, lies, lies and more lies, stifling freedom of speech and freedom of conscience of their own members who swear fealty to Trump rather than to the Constitution. The party of politicians who demand to choose the voters rather than allow voters to choose the politicians. And, yes, the party that coddles white-supremacy and winks and nods at racism. The Party of Pretzel Logic, to be sure.
Hate-mongering you say? We’ve had four years of non-stop hate-mongering. Orwell’s two-minutes of hate ad infinitum. Shall we, can we, even compare “Death Threats?” January 6 threated us with the death of our democratic republic by a murderous mob of Trump madmen! And, did you really say “echo chamber” to describe the left??? Man, your projection, to use your own words, is “utter mindlessness.”
I’ve wasted enough of my time with your false equivalencies. I am done.