So, now the event called by others an insurrection or coup, which you call “laughable” and a “goofball charade,” has resulted in the murder of Brian D. Sicknick, a US Capitol Police officer. Or, maybe he just slipped on a banana peel apropos of a banana republic. Let’s all share a hearty laugh at the Viking dude and move on.
Call it what you may, but calling shit a rose doesn’t make it smell as sweet.
No. This was a bullhorn call to a violence, heard by Trump’s cult followers, who responded with their usual Pavlovian, “Yes, sir. YES, SIR!” It is well known that ole Charlie Manson never personally murdered anyone, but he was arrested, tried, convicted and sentenced to life in the prison in which he died for commanding his cult followers, who responded with their usual Pavlovian, “Yes, Charlie. YES, SIR!”
Trump, soon to be a private citizen again, also known as “Individual Number One,” must be called to account for the consequences of his words. You cannot command others, by color of your august office or by dint of your charisma, to do your bidding and then deny your own culpability as an accessory to the fact.
Trump is a coward, a conman, and must soon be a criminal defendant.