Thank you for thinking outside the Bernie Box. After Biden was elected Bernie built up phony expectations of a 3, 4, 5, or was it 6 trillion BBB? Extolling the virtues of a socialist democratic republic akin to the brilliant Democratic slogan of the 2020 election: Defund the Police. Yeah, Portland certainly looked like a liberal paradise, a blazing one at that! Turns out the only thing that secured Biden's victory was Trump, the biggest asshole who ever lived. Funny how all that "massive voter fraud" in 2020 that elected Biden also gave us only the barest of majorities in the House and Senate...guess we're no good at voter fraud either, AND STILL, WE BLEW IT!
I don't much agree with Lauren [Carrie Nation] Elizabeth but I do agree that Democrats are notorious self-immolators.
Our theme song should be, Oops, I did it again.