Thank you for your reply, but there is little historical evidence of Jesus. Period.
I am not impugning your faith. Faith is exactly as it is defined. I have no faith in the “virgin birth” and the fact is that coitus begets conception. The Virgin Birth myth is as ancient as ancient Egypt, adopted by Greek and Roman mythologies, and in turn adopted by Christianity. In my humble opinion, no one is ruining Christianity today more than so called “Christians,” especially the “Born Again” and “Evangelical” cults.
I see no reason to hold to myths in accepting Jesus’s teachings of love, mercy, respect, humanity. The human race would benefit greatly by adhering to Jesus’s pure message. I daresay a new reformation is in order to reestablish that message in its sublime essence. If Christian myths fall by the wayside, that may clear the way for a new generation to emerge, a paradigm shift of Jesusians who rediscover the message without the myths.