The demonization of Kamala Harris is in full swing. First on the right, now on the left.
Check out the news feeds on Fox News, Washington Examiner, National Review, Daily Mail; they tried to demonize Joe and Hunter Biden but failed, so now it’s all Kamala all the time. She’s an easy target: half Black/half Indian, a smart/strong woman with a Hindu/foreign name [Barack Hussein Obama, anyone?]. Cue the outrage machine!
Needless to say, no positive press is allowed; the negative becomes the narrative. If you buck the trend, you are dismissed as irrelevant.
The woman who eviscerated AG Barr and VP Biden has now, the pundits pronounce and pounce, eviscerated herself. She is to blame, not we the unelected masses. She, the unpopular shrew. She, the cackling black crow. She, the sarcastic bitch.
Hillary shed one tear but Kavanaugh cried a river. Woe to the woman who does not beg forgiveness and grovel before the hoi polloi, but the woman will never be forgiven. John Lennon said it best; “While telling her not to be so smart, we put her down for being so dumb.” Or worse, Lennon said what cannot be politely repeated here. Hers is not to lead but to follow our lead. Joe is still our buddy, friend and pal. To share a beer with, slap a back, grin and bear it. But she? Kamala is to kick while down, to gang rape with our opprobrium. And she, she must grin and bear us. Quietly! Silently! Wear your scarlet letter; we demand it.
Kamala, like Hester, has no choice. Judgment has been rendered against her. But, as with Hester, Kamala is now free of our restraining bonds, free to establish herself in her own way. Ironically, it is the inside Beltway “common knowledge” that has set her free.
Godspeed, Kamala Harris.