The Framers of our Constitution created three branches of government to ensure that there would be checks and balances against what they feared most of all: TYRANNY
But they could not foresee what we have now: Three totally corrupt branches of government run by one totally corrupt Republican Party.
No one is coming to save us from ourselves. Not our compromised SCOTUS, and certainly not our corrupted Congress.
There is a scene in Gladiator II where the new emperor Caracalla orders the Senate confirm his nominee for co-emperor – his pet monkey. To which the cowed Senators all jump up and hail the new co-emperor.
We are there now. We have our new emperor. We have our monkeys nominated to the government. And we have our Senators jumping up to hail them all.
The Roman Republic fell. The Roman Empire fell. American democracy is falling. All from the same cause: Corruption – the real ‘enemy within.’