The Framers were perhaps “too clever by half,” as is said. They were so afraid of the tyranny of a monopoly on power that they gave us the tyranny of a duopoly instead. The complexity of the Electoral College manufactures a majority where there might not be one; the only way it can work is the way it has always worked – to have two competing parties of rough parity, where a strategic tilt of popular votes or a few electoral votes gives one party or the other a majority of Electoral Votes. Third parties cannot successfully play this game. The 1992 election laid it all bare. Clinton won with 43% of the popular vote. Bush1 lost with 37% of the vote. Perot got 19%. Clinton won with 370 EV’s [69%] to Bush’s 168 EV’s [31%], Perot got zero EVs [0%]! Voila! The Duopoly!
Obviously, the Electoral College is the key to breaking the duopoly. A third party is simply not viable under our EC system. If you still don’t believe this, read the horror show of what happens if there is a tie of Electoral Votes. Read the 12th Amendment.
Warning: Don’t read it before bedtime…unless you enjoy political nightmares. But then again, we are already living in one. Eyes wide shut.