The obvious error in your essay is equating Russia with Putin. Putin has made it very clear that he believes the breakup of the Soviet Empire was one of the biggest mistakes of the 20th Century and has committed himself to the dream of reconstituting it. That means, at a minimum, Russia, Ukraine, and Poland, although that last one appears to be permanently out of his grasp. But Putin is not Russia. Putin is another wannabe dictator, witness the popular protests against his regime in support of the Putin poisoned rival Alexei Navalny. Putin did what all wannabe dictators do who live in terror of their own people, he puts down the protests and eliminates his challengers.
Ask yourself this: Would we be in this situation today if Gorbachev had been followed by a democrat instead of an autocrat? I direct you to the late conservative idol Margaret Thatcher for the correct answer: “I like Mr. Gorbachev. We can do business together.”