The origin and evolution of animate matter is no more or less complex or perplexing than the origin and evolution of inanimate matter. Subatomic particles, quantum mechanics, dark matter and energy, cosmological constants and relativity are just as astounding as DNA , RNA, and all the building blocks of life.
The dichotomy of the universe persists. Neither animate nor inanimate can exist without the other. Matter, energy. Time, space. All are what the Greeks referred to as the Law of Opposites. Something defined as what it is not, but requiring both. Could the universe exist without the existence of an observer to know of its existence?
Spinoza, the panentheist, had no problem with either God or Nature. One cannot exist without the other. Thought and Extension. Energy and Matter. Software and Hardware. There is no God in the way we perceive it. No cause. No purpose. The universe is what it is because it cannot be what it is not. It exists simply because it must.