Think CRT; governors Youngkin, DeSantis, and Abbott are all CRT deniers without a clue as to what it is. Youngkin establishes a Reichian “hotline” to report teachers mentioning it in classrooms. DeSantis criminalizes “teaching” it and bans books or anything else that makes white people “feel discomfort.” Abbott will arrest teachers for daring to speak its name and subject them to crippling lawsuits. This is Republican “freedom;” this is Republican racism.
White snow-flake Republicans in lily-white Republican legislatures, while they’re not busy pushing through voter suppression bills are busy banning recognition of white racism in Arkansas, Idaho, Oklahoma, Michigan, Tennessee, Utah, New Hampshire, Arizona, Iowa, Louisiana, Maine, Missouri, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Wisconsin and West Virginia. All are attacking free speech and the open exchange of ideas, the very core of our First Amendment rights. All are defending delicate white sensibilities while denying the emotional carnage of white rage upon non-white Americans.
Biden asked, what do Republicans stand for? I’ll give you three things: The Republican Party en masse denies white systemic racism while supporting white supremacism with a wink and a nod; it supports Trump’s Big Lie of election fraud by Democrats and demand fealty to their demigod; it is determined to “legally” steal as many elections going forward as they possibly can get away with so that they can choose the voters, not the other way around. There are many more things that the Republican Party stands for, all of which are antithetical to America.