Throughout your post I could not help but see how charisma wins every time:
Kennedy charisma, Nixon none.
Johnson charisma, Goldwater none.
Nixon no charisma, Humphrey even less.
Carter initial charisma, Ford none.
Reagan all charisma, Mondale none.
Bush Sr., Reagan’s charisma afterglow, Dukakis none.
Clinton charisma to spare, Bush Sr. and Dole none.
Bush Jr. juvenile charisma, Gore and Kerry absolutely none.
Obama super charisma, McCain and Romney none.
Trump charisma, Hillary none.
Biden potential charisma, Trump bad charisma.
Next up:
Biden no charisma, Trump evil charisma.
If you see a pattern here, we are now at an inflection point. No charisma versus evil charisma.
God save America because we may not be able to save her ourselves.