Using our own public money to improve education, healthcare, housing and support living wages for the good of the commonwealth seems like a good “pillage” to me. Making Good Trouble in order to promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity should be ideals worthy of the money and effort of all Americans.
But, where have I heard these ideas before? Ah, yes; in the preamble of our own Constitution. If one were a conservative, one might call it our nation’s Original Intent.
Making America Great Again should not be a zero-sum game. Opportunity to advance should not mean that someone else must surrender their own opportunity. Individual liberty should not mean every man for himself. We should not be a divided nation, we are supposed to be a united commonwealth, and it's high time we started acting like one. Its been said that our democratic republic is an experiment. Let's make sure it is a successful one.