You know who else didn’t subtract a single vote from Trump or add a single vote to Harris? Democrats, some 3 million of whom didn’t bother to vote, and another 3 million of whom apparently switched sides.
Maddow’s shows were an endless parade of the horrors of Trumpism. Although Maddow almost always does a deep dive and comes up with a new twist, it’s still the horrors of Trumpism uncovered anew. Her regular guests, Warren, Sanders, and Schiff, are so predictably boring. Talk about preaching to the choir! I don’t remember her doing one show devoted to Biden’s remarkable legislative accomplishments, but only to be mentioned in passing.
Harris too, was Orange Man Bad, all the time. Harris did say good words. She spoke often times about the dignity of work, women’s rights, minority rights, middle-class tax cuts, upper-class tax increases, border security, high food and home prices, Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, etc., etc., etc. More boring stuff. Important stuff but it won’t fit on a bumper sticker and it’s not entertaining. Worse, it’s not inspiring.
The progressive/liberal left is lost. We have a positive message based on the future of this country and this planet. And yes, we celebrate diversity, equality and inclusion. What we do not have is a good messenger. One who is appealing and articulate, brave and strong, smart but not condescending, joyful but not naïve. Someone who can connect, as Trump surely can. But someone who is trustworthy, as Trump surely is not.
John F. Kennedy was the last Democratic leader who had charisma, and all the other good qualities mentioned above. Sadly, in today's left field, we are left waiting for Godot.