Your post is replete with non-sequiturs. Oxymoronic too that you write of God and Jesus with such palpably self-righteous anger. Clearly, you have missed several points. Jefferson was said to be a Deist, and that he did not subscribe to the divinity of Jesus. These holdings are not mutually exclusive. Neither is holding that God created humans and that nature and God may be synonymous, which has a long philosophical pedigree, without resorting to purpose or design.
I have no idea where your “hippie” rant comes from, but if you wish to engage in coherent discourse, I would suggest you cease arguing against strawmen and stick to the topic or topics at hand. Furthermore, do not project onto or ascribe to me personal characterizations of which you know nothing.
Lastly, I do not suffer insults nor carry on communications with those who do so. Your histrionic pronouncements may be better suited for Facebook, Twitter, or perhaps best yet, GETTR.
Goodbye; I am done with this.